I made reasonable progress on the AcidRainbow socks last night - not bad considering I kept trying to put them away. I don't think I like the colors, I probably should have striped them with something wonderful, but BLING likes them so I'll make them in her size. The rainbow that looked cool and funky in the ball looks obnoxious in the sock. I rolled close to half the skein into a ball and am knitting from both but it's still flashing, though not nearly as badly as it would have. What do you think, can you find anything to love here? I'm glad I'm not wasting the effort of lace/pattern/anything on this pair, just plain old stockinette. Hopefully they will look cute poking out from under BLINGS ubiquitous black jeans. Of note - I'm using the project bag my SP sent me, every time I pick it up I feel very cared for. Thanks SP!
Other news - it's been a very good music week for me. I downloaded (iTunes) "Another Run Around The Sun" by Ben Taylor (son of James Taylor and Carly Simon), if you like his parents music you will love his music. I grin like an idiot when I listen to the first track, it makes me so happy. Additionally, the new Jamie Cullum CD came out and we pre-ordered it through iTunes. I have played his first CD so many times the dogs can lip-sync to it. This new album is another wonderful thing, but I could have lived without the bonus live tracks at the end. All in all, very happy listening!
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