Everybody wants love, but love is not a thing you get, it is a thing you give. I love.
Autumn in our kitchen, hooked up
to a discman (Bach's Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin),
I become the music with earphones on:
no noise-as-usual inside my skull,
I can do things so the doing seems to be coming
from not-me, I am so expert and prolific
at rutabaga soup, peeling and chopping with such prowess,
spicing with panache, fussily tasting and adjusting,
even cleaning the pot and utensils, wiping the counter,
the sink, the cutting board - so happy, my darling,
that I despite myself have made something good for you
you will never have to suffer or work for.
Look, it's waiting in your favorite blue bowl
with fresh bread and wine beside it.
Come, sit, my loveliness, my blessing:
Come, sit, and eat it with me
Earphones - by Michael Ryan
I am SO glad you are back :)
VY&T sometime? I might have an FO or two to show...
Posted by: Libby | February 14, 2007 at 08:27 PM