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February 26, 2006


Donna Mrurray

Congrats to you as well!! The wrap is gorgeous!
You have grass and we have snow. :( How sad is that?


I'd like to borrow your magic blue pot.

Um. You blocked it tomorrow?


Patti - my brains dribbled out with the shawls bath water. I'll fix the date on the post. I am so spent from this challenge - the only thing I can think to do is cast on for something.


Woo-hoo! Congratulations! It's gorgeous.

I can't even believe how happy I am to be knitting something else. Anything.


That's beautiful! Congratulations.

I've been utterly panting to spin all week but have been working on my bucket of boiled ass. Didn't finish it and I'm putting it in the "bad knit box" for a week to let it reconsider its position.

Spinning will commence tomorrow.

Angela Whisnant

Beautiful!!! Wow!
You deserve the Gold, for sure!


It turned out even prettier than I thought it would!!! Great job, Elaine! Looking forward to seeing it in person sometime.


Beautiful! Loved the little movie! :)


I finished a pair of socks and a hat, does that count?


I can't help it. I got bored.


Hey! The grass doesn't look so fantastically tall in that photo. You should have seen the wrap practically floating half a foot above the ground.

The Mysterious K

Elaine: Very nice. And I really enjoyed your video! TMK


Looks great! Congrats on the gold, you deserve it! The movie was great, can I get one of those pots too, I really need to finish up my vest. ;)


Leslie pointed me to your website at work yesterday. Your wrap is truly lovely -- and so springtime-y! I also enjoyed seeing how you "stir up" your knitting. Congratulations on your medal!


Oh WOW! ::cheers!:: That is utterly beautiful. Congrats! I tanked big time on my Olympic knitting, but I'm OK with that. I am, however, awed at how many people went for and got the gold. You go girl!

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