This is the first banner I have ever made. I'm not sure I love it, but I thought I'd stick it out there for everybody to see.
So, what do you think?
Yes that is my great big head (well, most of it anyway - some is missing). In person I am not a bug-eyed kook, just a regular kind of kook.
Why I credit Stephanie at the top of the blog: Stephanie Perl McPhee is a great writer, a humble knitter, and a namer of washing machines. I so love her book(s) and her blog that I took an afternoon off work to go see her talk about bookbookbook and try to get a signed copy. In my copy (and probably in many others) she wrote "Obsession is not a bad thing." Now, I love permission - so I took that permission and ran with it. My obsession for knitting and all things fibery has bloomed, and my confidence has grown. So thanks Stephanie, for all the humor and encouragement.
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